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Going back through your adult years, several former candidates for party nominations withdrew from races because their extra-marital misbehaviours became public knowledge. Going back further, some did not even run because they were divorced.

The selected new pastor of a local church withdrew his acceptance of the position because his wife wanted a divorce, even though he did not.

Marriage is a sacred vow for God-fearing men. Failure in marriage has been a serious issue in Christian circles.

Be a Republican if you wish, but do not attack Biden on social issues, Trump's personal behaviour is much worse than the support Biden gives for gender issues. That is gender issues that you and I probably have never dealt with, or been connected to through family or friends.

You know your Rep history. In spite of extreme views, people like Dick Chaney were willing to change 'sides' quickly when those issues reached their own home.

The job of president is too big, the responsibility is far too vast to base selection on the shallow words of support for one social issue, in the midst of that person's dreadful, and dare I say, sinful behaviour, in many others areas.

We are in era of name-calling and insinuation filled political debate. Sorry to say, at times I am surprised at those who stoop to that level.

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