Interesting to read your Substack. From every election piece I read, Trump has no chance of winning without the support of a large majority of American evangelicals.

People I know from that demographic are all voting DJT. Their reasons range from family and church pressure, to the 80+ year old woman who was so thankful that her gun was in her purse when she walked out of a convenience store and a black man was in the parking lot.

In my mind, the saddest tales are the ones insisting that Trump is a true, Born Again Christian, and he is God's specially chosen leader.

All of that sits in juxtaposition to my observation of the man when he was simply a media celebrity. I find it interesting that every book written by his former 'employees' describes the person I always thought him to be.

As he proved from 2016 to 2020, beyond any doubt, completely unfit to lead a nation.

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I really can’t disagree. I do think the gun issue is misunderstood in Canada as are race issues, but that misses your point. I believe the pope is right, choose the lesser of two evils.

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